Recruiting research participants for a study about parental alienation
Do you believe you are being alienated from your child(ren) by your child(ren)’s other parent? Parental alienation is known as a form of abuse or family violence where a child…
Do you believe you are being alienated from your child(ren) by your child(ren)’s other parent? Parental alienation is known as a form of abuse or family violence where a child…
PASG 2023 5th International Conference of the Parental Alienation Study Group Parental Alienation Study Group, Inc. (PASG), is an international, not-for-profit corporation. PASG has 800 members – mostly mental health…
List of books compiled by PASG.
Please join Children 4 Tomorrow for our 4th Annual Symposium: Exposing the Deep Dark Roots of Parental Alienation, hosted virtually via Zoom on Friday, October 29th from 8am-5pm Central…
LISTEN HERE My Special Guest this evening is Dr. Mark D. Roseman Ph.D. Dr. Roseman is an expert and international speaker on high conflict divorce, parental alienation and child custody.…
Parental Alienating Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence Jennifer J. Harman, Colorado State University, Edward Kruk, University of British Columbia Denise A. Hines, Clark University CLICK HERE for the…
Dr. Mark D. Roseman discusses high-conflict divorce, litigation, tearing apart the family and Parental Alienation DR. MARK DAVID ROSEMAN SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 LISTEN HERE SHOW…
See full article publication Click here to view article
See full article publication Parental Alienating Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence Click here to view article