Consulting Services
Consulting services are available for:
- child custody pro se litigants
- family attorneys
- policymakers
- workplace management
Our team members recognize your challenges in equitable and appropriate child custody orders and creating regional policy to improve child outcomes when parents separate. We want to be a part of your solution.

Child Custody and Co-Parenting.
The complexity of life intertwined with personality, mental health, and child development needs all create great demands on discerning the best interests of children. Such a concept continues to evolve through the years with changing child outcomes, social research and court decisions.
Specialists in parental alienation and child custody issues, Dr. Roseman and team members provide the vital consulting in child access and reunification and serve as expert witnesses in high conflict child custody cases. We will provide you research findings and guidance for applying these significant tools to help all parties and their counsel to more clearly consider the present realities, the future and therefore more appropriate options for child custody and co-parenting.
State and Federal policymakers will appreciate learning the research and recommendations for improving child outcomes, particularly as much current social policy does not connect the dots of low high school graduation rates, juvenile crime, domestic violence and the opportunities to overcome those challenges.
Dr. Mark is a proponent of shared parenting, knows the research and has presented to legislatures on these subjects in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and international audiences in the Czech Republic. Roseman and Associates will help you understand the brainwashing behaviors of alienating parents, demonstrate the appropriate responses by targeted parents and identify the red flags of children so alienated during hostile litigation, time and infrequent visitation.
This is an international characteristic of highly conflicted parents and frequently their counsel who indirectly may influence this alienation of a child’s affections, also known as Parental Alienation. Roseman will rapidly and easily help one to identify parental alienation, sadly, a concept that is increasingly referenced in courts and therapy, but which still remains for most a contested reference in family courts, poorly understood by judges and too often debated by attorneys.
With his mediation background and frequent humorous approach, Dr. Roseman has succeeded in mitigating many of the more contentious arguments characterizing a fearful parent seeking to block the other from more time sharing or access of any kind.
His more than twenty years in the field and his expertise in these complicated subjects will bring you clarity and understanding, and give you the options you can best consider for improving child outcomes when parents separate.

Divorce and the Workplace, Improving Productivity During Times of Trauma
Roseman and Associates team can help assess your workplace strengths and offer your organization protocols to match your unique requirements for continued positive production.
The changed workplace and the increase social stress and changed social norms play a major role in workplace productivity. Frequently, companies of any size do not allocate the time, or tools to maximize workplace outcomes. As new financial and environmental realities manifest, the workplace has responded with increased remote employment opportunities, distance learning and call center responsibilities. All contribute to changes in management and personnel expectations.
Still more challenges to productivity are family life changes.
According to the American Human Resource Association, it is divorce which impacts productivity far greater than alcohol and drug abuse. Dr. Roseman’s team can help assess your workplace needs, and offer your organization protocols to match your unique requirements for continued positive production.
Our approaches are designed for convenient and stress-free implementation with a business’s existing staff. We believe that neither workplace assessment, nor modified controls and or new protocols need to be a major expense to improve the workplace. Let’s schedule a call!

Child Reunification
These services are available for parents who are pro se and those with counsel. We help therapists broaden their understanding of alienation and can suggest protocols for interventions that are based on research findings and experience.
Mark David Roseman and Associates are specialists in child custody concerns, and provide beneficial consulting in child access and reunification. While child access is often related to time sharing or visitation arrangements, child reunification is that intervention needing to be applied when children have been arguably brainwashed, and resistant to the affections of a non-custodial, or ‘absent’ parent.
Associates will help parties to understand what is in the child’s best interests when parents may be in conflict and unable to settle their child custody arrangements. We will help you understand how children may be emotionally abused during divorce and child custody, and identify red flags of child and parent behaviors evident during hostile litigation, and infrequent visitation.
Importantly, we can help you draft appropriate parenting agreements and suggest the goals necessary to improve child outcomes when parents choose to separate. These informational tools may help in current and subsequent court orders and aid in mitigating parent conflicts and improve the co-parenting relationship.